Ted Myers

Ted Myers

Ted Myers

@tedmyers -  Author

Ted's books

Live on Discovery

Paris Escapade

In the summer of 1963, seventeen-year-old Eddie Strull goes off to Europe with a supervised camp group of New York Jewish kids. But Eddie, ever the rebel, has other plans. Eddie wants to live as an adult. A writer. Right now. When they arrive in Paris, the last stop before heading home, Eddie sne...

Live on Discovery

Tales From the Hereafter

Is death the end? Most people in the world think not. In Book I of this collection, Ted Myers imagines seventeen possible post-death experiences, all first-person narratives by people who have died. It’s not scary or gloomy, in fact it’s a really fun read. Each narrator has a completely uni...

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About me
After twenty years trembling on the brink of rock stardom and fifteen years working at record companies, Ted Myers left the music business—or perhaps it was the other way around—and took a job as a copywriter at an advertising agency. This cemented his determination to make his mark as an author.
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