Tahmina Akter Mili


Tahmina Akter Mili

@tahminaaktermili - Reader

Tahmina Akter Mili

Tahmina Akter Mili

@tahminaaktermili - Reader

I am a reader. My hobby is reading, writng poems and collecting pens. I love buying my own books. I read almost all genres of book. I mostly enjoy rea... more

Tahmina Akter Mili
Tahmina Akter Mili imported 22 books to their Library almost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
The Thursday Murder ClubCatching FireAlong for the RideTwilightA Beautiful Question: Finding Nature's Deep Designপ্রথম আলো ১A Tale of Two CitiesThe Hunger GamesThe Mathnawi Of Jalaluddin RumiHarry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Tahmina Akter Mili
Tahmina Akter Mili started following Rachel M. Patterson, Marti Ward, Joey Madia and 19 moreover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
About me
I am a reader. My hobby is reading, writng poems and collecting pens. I love buying my own books. I read almost all genres of book. I mostly enjoy reading novels and historical books. I have completed my master’s degree in English Language and Literature as well as in TESOL. I want to be a teacher.
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📚50 books read per year