Syed Ali Kausar Rizvi

Syed Ali Kausar Rizvi

Syed Ali Kausar Rizvi

@syedalikausarrizvi - Reader

Syed Ali Kausar Rizvi

Syed Ali Kausar Rizvi

@syedalikausarrizvi - Reader

My name is Dr Ali Kausar Rizvi. I'm from Lucknow, India. Being interest in novels, I want start my new career as a Reviewer. I have reviewed many Book... more

Syed Ali Kausar Rizvi
Syed Ali Kausar Rizvi published a review5 months ago
5 months ago
Physics Fables by Sarah Allen is an imaginative and engaging approach to explaining fundamental concepts in physics.
Physics Fables
Sarah Allen
Physics Fables is a collection of short stories that teach physics concepts through fantasy adventur...
Syed Ali Kausar Rizvi5 months ago
About me
My name is Dr Ali Kausar Rizvi. I'm from Lucknow, India. Being interest in novels, I want start my new career as a Reviewer. I have reviewed many Books on such as Apollo's Raven By Linnea Tanner and Legacy Rebirth By Andrew Bigfold etc
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📚10 books read per year