Sybrina Durant

Sybrina Durant

Teach a child a skill in a fun way and they will remember it forever.

Sybrina Durant

@sybrinadurant - Author

Sybrina Durant

Sybrina Durant

@sybrinadurant - Author

Sybrina is the author of the Learn To Tie With The Rabbit and the Fox series of books. They include Learn To Tie A Tie With The RAbbit and the Fox, Cl... more

About me
Sybrina is the author of the Learn To Tie With The Rabbit and the Fox series of books. They include Learn To Tie A Tie With The RAbbit and the Fox, Cleo Can Tie A Bow, Ned Knows How To Knot A Necktie, and Nellie Knows How To Knot A Neck Scarf. Always hopeful for more reviews. PM me if interested.
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