Suzi Lewisohn

Suzi Lewisohn

Suzi Lewisohn

@suzilewisohn - Reader

Suzi Lewisohn

Suzi Lewisohn

@suzilewisohn - Reader

Suzi Lewisohn
Suzi Lewisohn left a comment on The Chair Manover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
This is an emotional rollacoaster of a novel for all us Londoners who were on the Tube on 7th July 2005 and were lucky enough to walk away from the bombs and carnage. The narrative grips from the beginning and does not let go until the last page. The protagonist Michael and his emotional conflicts are brilliantly realised. The writing is spare and crisp. The ending when it comes is both shocking and satisfying and brought tears to this reader's eyes.
Suzi Lewisohn
Suzi Lewisohn upvoted The Chair Manover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago