Steve Arensberg

Steve Arensberg

Steve Arensberg

@stevearensberg - Author

Steve Arensberg

Steve Arensberg

@stevearensberg - Author

Steve Arensberg writes stories to cultivate a sense of wonder (for the reader and himself), and he hopes that's what you find within the pages of his ... more

Steve's books

Live on Discovery

Bearing Gifts

β€œOn a night long ago, on the first night a bright star shone in the dark sky, the smallest of camels was born in a stable far, far east of Bethlehem.” And so begins our Christmas tale, in which the unlikeliest of heroes joins the pilgrimage of the Three Kings to Bethlehem. BEARING GIFTS follows ...

About me
Steve Arensberg writes stories to cultivate a sense of wonder (for the reader and himself), and he hopes that's what you find within the pages of his books. Steve grew up in Michigan, and now lives in San Antonio, Texas. BEARING GIFTS is his first book for children (of all ages).
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