Stephen Larkin

Stephen Larkin

Stephen Larkin

@stephenlarkin -  Author

Stephen's books

Live on Discovery

The Kiss Off

It’s 1930 and in Manhattan, the gangsters Legs Diamond and Lucky Luciano are fighting to increase their criminal empires, with some politicians looking to get a piece of the action. A young woman, seeking to escape the summer heat on a party boat is murdered, her body tossed overboard. The woman’...

Live on Discovery

Into The Night

Beneath the fabric of society, a conflict has raged for centuries. Young, Jack Martin, expecting a night out with his friends, will enter a world he never dreamed existed. After Jack is chosen as prey by a creature of the night, a sizeable mysterious stranger saves his life. The actions of the v...

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About me
Stephen Larkin has been a lifelong resident of Long Island, NY and has been an avid reader since his teens. Steve is the author of "The Kiss Off" and "Murder on Dog Island." Steve has been married to his wonderful wife, Gabriele and they have two children.
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