Stacia Levy

Dr. Stacia Levy's Homepage

Reader, Writer, Reviewer, and Writing Teacher

Stacia Levy

@stacialevy -  Reviewer

Submission guidelines

Greetings! I am both an avid reader and dedicated writer. I write mostly in the mystery and romance genres, which I am also most interested in reading and reviewing. However, in over ten years as a book reviewer, I have reviewed all genres of works, from self-help to fantasy to biography.

I offer both positive and constructive feedback in each review.

I look forward to reading your work!

About me
I am a college professor of English and writer. I have taught reading and writing skills for over twenty years and has published both fiction and nonfiction. I have also written reviews for the Sacramento/San Francisco Book Review, Portland Book Review, and Manhattan Book Review for ten years.
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📚 50 books read per year