Skip Press

Skip Press

The Writer's Best Friend

Skip Press

@skippress - Author

Skip Press

Skip Press

@skippress - Author

Skip Press is an editor, ghostwriter, playwright, producer, screenwriter, and TV staff writer who authored the Writer's Guide to Hollywood and Complet... more

Skip's books

Did you ever write a screenplay that didn't sell? Me, too! Are you sick of not making money with it? Me, too! So I wrote this book that tells you how to change that, quickly!

Best-selling writer Skip Press has had a long and prosperous life in the arts, selling screenplays, stage plays, teleplays, and videos, as well as novels and non–fiction series. As a teacher, with his books and courses, he estimates having helped half a million people become better writers. E...

About me
Skip Press is an editor, ghostwriter, playwright, producer, screenwriter, and TV staff writer who authored the Writer's Guide to Hollywood and Complete Idiot's Guide to Screenwriting books. He co-foundedt the “Ask A Screenwriter” space on of over 600,000+ followers. See
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