Shumila Abidi

S.A Abidi

Shumila Abidi

@shumilaabidi - Reader

Shumila Abidi

Shumila Abidi

@shumilaabidi - Reader

I don’t consider myself as an avid reader rather I would call my self a seasonal one but the one thing that is important to me is to really understand... more

Shumila Abidi
Shumila Abidi liked Swati Rawat's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Shumila Abidi
Shumila Abidi is reading a book over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Currently reading “Rich Dad Poor dad” by Robert.T Kiyosaki . If I had to describe the book in a few sentences then I would like to say “ The writer raise an important concern that parents are teaching their kids to work like a robot rather then to be creative and find different ways of earning and success. Basically the writer claims that humans are lazy and didn’t want to learn new skills or work in a different direction.”
Shumila Abidi
Shumila Abidi started following Felicia Bengtsson, Swati Rawat, Shrawni Sas and 20 moreover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
About me
I don’t consider myself as an avid reader rather I would call my self a seasonal one but the one thing that is important to me is to really understand what the book is telling you and sometimes to analyse if it failed to deliver the message or story it started out with .
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📚20 books read per year