Shraman Paul

Shraman Paul

Shraman Paul

@shramanpaul - Reader

Shraman Paul

Shraman Paul

@shramanpaul - Reader

Hi, I am Shraman Paul. The habit of reading books has changed me a lot. After reading quite a few English books along with books in my mother tongue (... more

Shraman Paul
Shraman Paul posted an updateover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
It's "Animal Farm" time.
Shraman Paul
Shraman Paul started following Alex Stargazer, Alexandra Cornejo, A. Siegel and 32 morealmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
About me
Hi, I am Shraman Paul. The habit of reading books has changed me a lot. After reading quite a few English books along with books in my mother tongue (that is Bengali) I have come to this conclusion that I want to make this hobby a part-time source of my income. I would love to read with you guys.
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📚12 books read per year