Scylla Grand

Scylla Grand

Scylla Grand

@scyllagrand - Author

Scylla Grand

Scylla Grand

@scyllagrand - Author

Hi! I'm a poet and aspiring novelist from the US. I enjoy writing poems and prefer to write with rhyme and meter. more

Scylla Grand
Scylla Grand started following Rachel M. Patterson, Shelby Annover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Scylla Grand
Scylla Grand liked Kristiana Reed's update about 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Scylla Grand
Scylla Grand upvoted Scarlet Shadowsabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Scylla Grand
Scylla Grand liked Scylla Grand's update about 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Scylla Grand
Scylla Grand shared an update on Scarlet Shadowsabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
I’m holding a Goodreads giveaway soon! It is scheduled to start on 2/27/20 and end on 3/27/20. I’m giving away ten signed copies of my debut chapbook Scarlet Shadows. If you can’t wait, it is available on Amazon right now as a Kindle version and a paperback. Thanks for your support!
Scylla Grand
Scylla Grand started following Tori Larsonabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Scylla Grand
Scylla Grand liked Scylla Grand's update about 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Scylla Grand
Scylla Grand shared an update on Scarlet Shadowsabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
I published Scarlet Shadows (my first chapbook of poetry) back in September of 2019 and just now submitted it to Reedsy for review. I'm working on a second chapbook with plans to finish it in the next few years. So far, I have 3 poems gathered for it, and I'd like to have about 30 poems in each chapbook that I make. My goal in 2020 is to complete/polish 5 poems to my satisfaction. It's been rough so far this month; ideas are coming but not quite sticking together to form anything concrete. (It's a little frustrating because the polishing and editing parts of creating a poem are my favorite, and I'm not quite there yet.) Thanks for reading.
Scylla Grand
Scylla Grand started following Kristiana Reedabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Scylla Grand
Scylla Grand started following Ayin Esabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Scylla Grand
Scylla Grand started following Shay Siegelabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Scylla Grand
Scylla Grand started following Amanda Cabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
About me
Hi! I'm a poet and aspiring novelist from the US. I enjoy writing poems and prefer to write with rhyme and meter.
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