Sarah King

Sarah Jayn Reads

Sarah King

@sarahking7140 - Reader

Sarah King

Sarah King

@sarahking7140 - Reader

When I started working at my local library in 2018, I had respect for books and some experience of reading some fantasy novels in school. With my youn... more

Sarah King
Sarah King posted an updateover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Today I am finishing up Broken Prince by Erin Watt, writing my review for The Gem of Sykis by Becca Fogg, and aiming to finish The Ugly Stepsister by Megan Van Dyke (releasing next week 9/13!)
Sarah King
Sarah King imported 339 books to their Library over 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Courting DarknessIshtar's BladePestilence (The Four Horsemen Book 1)Master of CrowsThe BeginningThe Thief of AlwaysWhen Women Were DragonsThe Two-Faced QueenKissing SinThe Midnight Sea
Sarah Kingover 2 years ago
About me
When I started working at my local library in 2018, I had respect for books and some experience of reading some fantasy novels in school. With my youngest child in school full time finally in 2021, I had more time to go back to reading. And here I am.
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📚20 books read per year