Roger Pedersen

Roger Pedersen

If you has one SuperPower, would it be to Fly or to Become Invisible?

Roger Pedersen

@rogerpedersen1537 - Author

Roger Pedersen

Roger Pedersen

@rogerpedersen1537 - Author

Roger E. Pedersen enoys playing chess being a U.S. Candidate Life Chess Master, an avid film enthusiast, an amateur photographer/ videographer, and d... more

Roger Pedersen
Roger Pedersen posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
THE OLYMPIC DREAM....READ SuperPowers The Deal of the Art Like audio, which had been set on repeat mode, Michele heard her mother saying, “I look forward to the day when you can stand up on the Olympic podium as they present to you your gold medal and the world hears our country’s national anthem.”  Michele responded in her head every time, I promise you that you will wake up and see me getting an Olympic gold medal.  The German jumper, Hannah, who only yesterday won the gold for the long jump event, awaited her final attempt at the end of the triple jump runway. The judge cleaned the sandpit and signaled to Hannah to start her last effort. She ran down the runway, hitting the take-off board perfectly. She hopped for a long-distance jump, then skipping high up into the air and finally jumping far down into the sandpit where a judge placed the spike at her final landing spot. A laser measuring device measured her triple jump distance. The electronic monitor revealed to the packed Olympic Stadium that Hannah has jumped 66.50 feet, a New World and Olympic record.  Hannah rose her arms far into the air, claiming victory as the stadium roared. Michele waited at the end of the triple jump runway as the judges raked the sandpit. Michele’s tall, lean, athletic body tingles, feeling full of extra energy encompassing her entire body. She took several deep breaths, focusing on the white take-off board. After staring at it extremely hard, she blinked several times.  Confident, feeling light, Michele got the judge’s signal to start her last attempt.  She swiftly races down the runway, stepping firmly on the take-off board as she hopped high into the air...
Roger Pedersen
Roger Pedersen commented on Felicia Bengtsson's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
I am new here and do not seem to find an area to ask my question. I have three books in my SuperPower Series, two completed and still writing the third, The first book is by August reviewed and is already for sale on 30 websites including 8 Amazon sites, Barnes and Noble, and Target, The second book in the series comes out this weekend. QUESTION that hopefully helps other authors. Should I select the same reviewer for both books in the series or two different reviewers? The same reviewer won't be available until after they finish reviewing my first book but it will be consistent as the epic evolves. Thanks Roger
Roger Pedersen
Roger Pedersen commented on Felicia Bengtsson's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
I am new here and do not seem to find an area to ask my question. I have three books in my SuperPower Series, two completed and still writing the third, The first book is by August reviewed and is already for sale on 30 websites including 8 Amazon sites, Barnes and Noble, and Target, The second book in the series comes out this weekend. QUESTION that hopefully helps other authors. Should I select the same reviewer for both books in the series or two different reviewers? The same reviewer won't be available until after they finish reviewing my first book but it will be consistent as the epic evolves. Thanks Roger
Roger Pedersen
Roger Pedersen started following Felicia Bengtssonover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
About me
Roger E. Pedersen enoys playing chess being a U.S. Candidate Life Chess Master, an avid film enthusiast, an amateur photographer/ videographer, and dancer, He enjoys travel, exploring the world on cruise ships, weekend trips around America and to amusement parks and working on his computer.
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