Robert Scheck

Robert Scheck


Robert Scheck

@robertscheck - Author

Robert Scheck

Robert Scheck

@robertscheck - Author

Born in 1998 and once a resident of California, Robert Scheck currently lives in Colorado, under the shadows of the watchful eyes of the Rocky Mo... more

Robert Scheck
Robert Scheck posted an updateover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
I'm excited to announce I am actively looking for Beta Readers to receive a free pdf/epub copy of Shadowed Time as well as sign up to join my beta and arc team for the second book in the trilogy coming out next year. Feel free to message me or comment below if you're interested in this!
Robert Scheck
Robert Scheck asked a question on Shadowed Timeover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
I am excited to announce a huge update to Book Two of this trilogy. I know it’s been a very long time since movement here but I promise it’s because I have been hard at work getting this new world and story prepared for your eyes! Please consider leaving a review on Amazon and Goodreads if you haven’t yet! ~ Cordially Robert Scheck (Have you read Shadowed Time yet? Now is a perfect time to get your copy and read it as the future arrives)
100%Yes!1 vote
0%Not yet (on my way to purchase)0 votes
Robert Scheck
Robert Scheck upvoted Shadowed Timeover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Robert Scheck
Robert Scheck asked a questionalmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Thank you all for those who have been following my journey as a self-published author. I'd love to get some feedback on whether or not you liked or enjoyed my book. The second book on the trilogy is currently being worked hard on and the more feedback I can receive, the better I can be as an author. I hope all of your days are going well!
Enjoyed the book
0%0 votes
Not really my cup of tea
0%0 votes
Robert Scheck
Robert Scheck started following S. Qiouyi Lualmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
Robert Scheck
Robert Scheck shared an update on Shadowed Timealmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
I am incredibly excited for my first ever book to become a realm of entertainment. If you have any questions about lore, etc, based off the first chapter (because I know that's all you can see at the moment) please let me know! ~ Robert Scheck
About me
Born in 1998 and once a resident of California, Robert Scheck currently lives in Colorado, under the shadows of the watchful eyes of the Rocky Mountains. He considers the following fact dear to his heart: behind every author, there resides a mighty force of loyal readers.
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