Rob Bartlett

Rob Bartlett

Rob Bartlett

@robbartlett -  Author

Rob's books

Milo Sapphire is an itinerant Star Ship Captain who gets blackmailed by the Troika into helping the Sentient Ships rebel against the Mercantile Empire because his personal AI might illegally test off the Turing Scale. He uses connections from his old life to assemble a team to assist him in his p...

The second book in the award winning War Against Infinity series. I used to be an itinerant Star Ship Captain. Now I'm a respectable businessman fighting the Mercantile Empire and the Lotus Eaters to successfully Emancipate my Sentient Ship partner Oh yeah, I also need to protect Calla'cara a...

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About me
Rob has been captivated by science fiction and fantasy since he discovered The Hobbit in 3rd grade. He prefers reading and writing science fiction because as Rob is fond of saying, "Where else can you land a space ship on the front lawn of the White House?".
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