Richard Cohen

Richard Cohen

Richard Cohen

@richardcohen - Author

Richard Cohen

Richard Cohen

@richardcohen - Author

Trained as a corporate lawyer, Richard arranges mergers and acquisitions for healthcare companies. He is an expert in developing grounded creative sol... more

Kirkus Reviews named The Smooth River "One of the Best Indie Books of 2021", giving it a coveted starred review. Until midnight on Feb 3, the Kindle version is only $0.99. And, last Monday, Kirkus posted the following author interview:
Richard Cohen
Richard Cohen started following Anntonette Jacksonover 3 years ago
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Richard Cohen
Richard Cohen upvoted Trees & Truthsover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Richard Cohen
Richard Cohen commented on Laramie Cummings's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Laramie, I'd so much appreciate your posting a customer review on Amazon and maybe Goodreads. Thanks so much.
Richard Cohen
Richard Cohen upvoted Grief has Teethover 3 years ago
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Richard Cohen
Richard Cohen started following Joshua Newmanover 3 years ago
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Richard Cohen
Richard Cohen upvoted The Spirit of Cancerover 3 years ago
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Richard Cohen
Richard Cohen upvoted Reboot Your Brainover 3 years ago
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Richard Cohen
Richard Cohen started following Sara Davenport, Eva Sundene, Talwinder Sidhu and 2 moreover 3 years ago
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Richard Cohenover 3 years ago
Richard Cohenover 3 years ago
Richard Cohen
Richard Cohen commented on Laramie Cummings's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Laramie, Thank you so much for the lovely review. It is deeply gratifying that you absorbed so much of the book's meaning and intent.
Tomorrow, Oct 26th, my book, The Smooth River will be released. During my wife's 160-day bout with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, doctors and nurses regularly told us that the way we were managing her illness and our lives was far more uplifting than the norm. They and others encouraged me to write a book to help others. That is the book's only purpose. The Smooth River is the remarkable story of how a well-known public relations expert and her husband met her stage 4 pancreatic cancer head-on. With vigor and strength­, they deployed all they and medicine had to offer. But, in contrast to narrow conventional approaches, the couple developed a far more expansive view of what strength means in response to a crisis for which there are no medical cures. They called this the Smooth River. This clear-eyed transcendent perspective was so vital that they wouldn’t let anything disrupt it—not cancer’s lethal march, not the strongest chemos and their failures to work, not the frequent episodes of severe pain, not how society expected them to think or act, not the process of dying itself.   The Smooth River demonstrates how to treat one’s life as bigger—and far more important— than any medical condition, any tragedy, any setback of any kind.  With effusive warmth, refreshing candor and practical detail, it describes how to personalize Medical and Life Plans that affirm the value of a patient's being and guide their loved ones. Its invaluable lessons show how to face the possibility of dying with sanctity and comfort, to view it as an opportunity for personal growth, finding inspiration and intense beauty in the experience—in life itself.  There are lessons in the Smooth River approach for everyone.  The Smooth River has received excellent reviews from Kirkus, BookLife/Publishers Weekly, Foreword Reviews, Indie Reader, Online Book Club, BlueInk and others. See
Richard Cohen
Richard Cohen started following Stephanie Albrightover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Richard Cohen
Richard Cohen started following Felicia Bengtssonover 3 years ago
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Richard Cohen
Richard Cohen started following Meg Jones Wall, John Pabon, Hajar Kilani and 473 moreover 3 years ago
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Richard Cohen
Richard Cohen started following Heidi Herman, Samuel Salzer, Domenic Tollis and 36 moreover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
About me
Trained as a corporate lawyer, Richard arranges mergers and acquisitions for healthcare companies. He is an expert in developing grounded creative solutions during stressful conditions. All of these skills were put to work in finding sanctuary, beauty, humor, and spirituality within cancer’s decay.
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