Raya :)

Books in Rayaland

Raya :)

@raya - Reader

Raya :)

Raya :)

@raya - Reader

OBV OBSESSED with books My fav place and time to read is in my bed, under my covers with a torch and at 2 am to be precise 😂❤️ I usually read books f... more

Raya :)
Raya :) imported 151 books to their Library over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
The Invisible LibraryWinnie-the-PoohI'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill YouThe Guest List: A NovelThe Last Secret You’ll Ever KeepThe Golden CompassThe Seeing StoneMistletoe and MurderSix of CrowsArticles on Books by Agatha Christie, Including: Murder on the Orient Express, Cards on the Table, Death in the Clouds, the Mysterious Affair at Styles, the Murder of Roger Ackroyd, the A.B.C. Murders, Lord Edgware Dies
Raya :)
Raya :) started following Book Tangledover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
About me
OBV OBSESSED with books My fav place and time to read is in my bed, under my covers with a torch and at 2 am to be precise 😂❤️ I usually read books for a weeks max 2 I'm thinking of starting a book tube channel, but I'm still thinking abt that
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📚49 books read per year

🏆5 submissions per year