Rajesh Bansode


Rajesh Bansode

@rajeshbansode - Reader

Rajesh Bansode

Rajesh Bansode

@rajeshbansode - Reader

My name is Rajesh. I love to read books and share my reviews on social media like Instagram and Facebook. I get free ARC copies in exchange for a revi... more

Rajesh Bansode
Rajesh Bansode started following Ethan Vonday, Rackstar Terminal, niraj sagar and 4 moreover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Rajesh Bansode
Rajesh Bansode imported 204 books to their Library over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
The NamesakeArion RisingCity of Bones (Mortal Instruments)The Case of the Captive ClairvoyantDaisy Jones & The SixThe Hobbit, or There and Back AgainGirl Made of StarsMore Weird Things Customers Say in BookshopsOpenly StraightCirce
Rajesh Bansode
Rajesh Bansode started following Navid Alam, Chitrini Paulover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Rajesh Bansode
Rajesh Bansode started following Maria Isabel SAMONTE, Lesley Budge, Lyndie Dison and 9 morealmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
About me
My name is Rajesh. I love to read books and share my reviews on social media like Instagram and Facebook. I get free ARC copies in exchange for a review and I have posted so many on my Instagram @rajesh_bookrider
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📚50 books read per year