Rachel Small

Rachel Elizabeth Small

Rachel Small

@rachelsmall2362 - Reviewer

Rachel Small

Rachel Small

@rachelsmall2362 - Reviewer

Rachel Small is based outside of Ottawa, and is exactly one half of Splintered Disorder Press. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in magazines in... more

Published reviews

Apr 5, 2021
Raj Bhatia
Diya is 29, and single. Employed with a multinational company, her career is rocking. But all of ...
Feb 26, 2021
a*k² (a times k-squared)
What’s this book about? A journey into darkness to find the light To travel within to discover the...
Jan 18, 2021
Pamela Cook
A forgotten necklace. A family secret. Two women hiding from the truth. When successful Sydney lawy...
About me
Rachel Small is based outside of Ottawa, and is exactly one half of Splintered Disorder Press. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in magazines including Thorn Literary Magazine, blood orange, The Hellebore, Anti-Heroin Chic, The Shore, bywords, and other places.
Profile URL

📚155 books read per year

🏆5 submissions per year