Rachelle S.

Rachelle S.

Choose Love. Choose Duty. Save the World. - Absolution: Book One

Rachelle S.

@rachelles - Author

Rachelle S.

Rachelle S.

@rachelles - Author

Rachelle has been a fandom geek since its earliest beginnings. Holding a PhD, she studies writing in pop culture. In truth, Rachelle never isn't writi... more

Rachelle's books

Rachelle's books will appear here after they have been launched on Discovery.

About me
Rachelle has been a fandom geek since its earliest beginnings. Holding a PhD, she studies writing in pop culture. In truth, Rachelle never isn't writing or sharing her knowledge. However, on the off-chance she isn't experimenting with paper and ink, you can find her at music festivals or bookstores.
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