Rachel Hoff

Rachel Hoff

Reader, author, lover of language(s)...

Rachel Hoff

@rachelhoff - Reader

Rachel Hoff

Rachel Hoff

@rachelhoff - Reader

Christian mother of teens and YA stories. Dabbler in poetry, picture books, and languages. Happily married to my college sweetheart. I love all kinds ... more

Rachel Hoff
Rachel Hoff imported 1789 books to their Library almost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
FirelandsEnid Blyton CollectionThe Burning GirlThe Berenstain Bears Go to the DoctorThe First Part LastDeviled HamThe Distance Between UsGirl at WarOne S'more SummerChristmas 911
About me
Christian mother of teens and YA stories. Dabbler in poetry, picture books, and languages. Happily married to my college sweetheart. I love all kinds of fiction, especially young adult, fantasy & science fiction. Also stories that give me experiences I could never have in my real world.
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