Paul Indigo

Paul Indigo

"A love story as taut as a thriller..." DL

Paul Indigo

@paulindigo - Author

Paul Indigo

Paul Indigo

@paulindigo - Author

I'm a British author who's just about to publish my debut romantic Women's Fiction novel. I worked in tv for many years. I live on the south coast of ... more

Paul Indigoover 1 year ago
Hi Jackie. Wow! Just a big WOW! Thank you so much for your incisive review, and for precisely nailing on the head the ideas I'd implied in the novel which you brought out - such as the particular details of a simple process (like making the tea!). You got it, and I'm so pleased you got it. Incidentally, it took me a year(!) to fine tune the blurb. ChatGPT could do it 2 seconds but somehow I don't think I'd have been as happy with its own interpretation, good though it would have been. Anyway, I'm glad it was enough to grab you by the hair and pull you in! Incidentally, the ultimate theme of lack of communication was the point of the book - for both Jethro and Cooper, also for Daniel with his parents, and for Harriet and Eddsy, despite how simple (but not necessarily easy) it is to just say something! There was originally about 30k extra words of that, but I felt it destroyed the pacing so I removed it. In many ways, this book was an exploration of myself to comprehend the soul of love and how selfishly selfless it is, and the repercussions of unintended consequences. I'm genuinely grateful for your detailed and highly considered review. Thank you so very much.
Paul Indigo
Paul Indigo commented on Jacquelynn Kennedy's update over 1 year ago
over 1 year ago
Thank you so much!
Paul Indigoalmost 2 years ago
You're welcome to ask any questions about my novel, Love Deleted.
Paul Indigo
Paul Indigo imported 84 books to their Library almost 2 years ago
almost 2 years ago
Evidence of the AffairConstanceThe Woman with the Blue StarMy Sister's KeeperThe Girl with the Louding Voice: A NovelHard LandingTwopence to Cross the MerseyMidnight in the Garden of Good and EvilPerfume: The Story of a MurdererI Am David
About me
I'm a British author who's just about to publish my debut romantic Women's Fiction novel. I worked in tv for many years. I live on the south coast of England and love sea and nature reserve walks. I like to wake early to enjoy early morning misty walks.
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