PM Kavanaugh

PM Kavanaugh

PM Kavanaugh

@patricekavanaugh - Author

PM Kavanaugh

PM Kavanaugh

@patricekavanaugh - Author

Ever since I was a kid playing “spy” with my older sisters, I have loved a potent mix of intrigue, danger, and adventure. Now a writer of thrillers sp... more

PM Kavanaugh
PM Kavanaugh left a comment on Dead Insidealmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Thank you for the comment and interest @ayushnalavade. I love movies/TV with lots of action & adventure, and often felt like I was "watching" the scenes in my book when writing them. Maybe some director/producer/actor will discover my books and agree with me that they would adapt well to the screen (big, medium or small)!
PM Kavanaugh
PM Kavanaugh upvoted Crucible of Fearalmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
PM Kavanaugh
PM Kavanaugh started following Felicia Bengtssonalmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
About me
Ever since I was a kid playing “spy” with my older sisters, I have loved a potent mix of intrigue, danger, and adventure. Now a writer of thrillers spiked with romance, I live in the Bay Area, California with my clever-enough-to-be-a-spy husband and our aptly named rescue cat, Dash.
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