Pat Blankenship

Pat Blankenship

Pat Blankenship

@patblankenship - Author

Pat Blankenship

Pat Blankenship

@patblankenship - Author

I am Leo, Gryffindor, first born, comfortable-casual clothes lover and a huge fan of kids. I am a yogi, a mother, a grandmother and a reader of newspa... more

Pat's books

Penny goes from pre-verbal to loquacious in just a matter of hours! Which is exactly how it feels when a child begins to speak! One minute she is making sounds, the next minute she is talking your head off! Penelope is “pensive” as she ponders how to get her new words out into the world and hear...

About me
I am Leo, Gryffindor, first born, comfortable-casual clothes lover and a huge fan of kids. I am a yogi, a mother, a grandmother and a reader of newspapers and novels. I am an English major, a teacher, a retired lawyer and a writer.
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