Pamela Ungashick

Pamela Ungashick

Author of debut novel Somebody Knows

Pamela Ungashick

@pamelaungashick -  Author

Pamela's books

Live on Discovery

Somebody Knows

Audrey Mae Scott has felt the sting of her mother’s whipping stick far too many times. Unlike her little brother, Harry, she must do whatever she’s told without question… or else. Her only solace from her fear and loneliness comes from writing about her plight. Though outwardly obedient, Audrey r...

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About me
A graduate of the University of Nebraska, Pamela worked as a journalist and successful corporate communications executive in the Midwest. Retired, she’s dedicated to writing fiction. Somebody Knows is her debut novel. Pamela lives with her husband ,Mark, sharing time between Missouri and Montana.
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