Pamela Scott

The Book Lover's Boudoir

Pamela Scott

@pamelascott - Reviewer

Pamela Scott

Pamela Scott

@pamelascott - Reviewer

I've been running my book blog since 2012. I read and review a wide range of genres including poetry, crime, science fiction, horror and non-fiction. ... more

Pamela Scott
Pamela Scott imported 3202 books to their Library over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Beautiful DaysHaiku for LoversWreckageThe Essex SerpentWatership DownThere's No Place Like HomeThe White RoadThe AssistantEverything We KeepFar from the Madding Crowd
Pamela Scott
Pamela Scott started following Luke Romyn, Adam Mackay, Matthew Angelo and 8 moreover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
About me
I've been running my book blog since 2012. I read and review a wide range of genres including poetry, crime, science fiction, horror and non-fiction. I am a member of NetGalley. I regularly recieve and review books direct from authors or via publishers.
Profile URL

📚400 books read per year

🏆200 submissions per year