Nyxie Reads

Nyxie Reads

Nyxie Reads

@nyxiereads - Reader

Nyxie Reads

Nyxie Reads

@nyxiereads - Reader

I participate monthly in several bookclubs. I am the leader of one bookclub. I typically share my reviews on my Bookstagram, Facebook, bookbub, goodr... more

Nyxie Readsabout 1 year ago
Nyxie Reads
Nyxie Reads imported 777 books to their Library about 1 year ago
about 1 year ago
FCBD 2019: Avengers/Savage Avengers #1Twisted GamesDanse MacabreThe Alpha's CatchBloodshedAll the LiesCaravalA Pumpkins' Halloween: A NovellaA Dog Called KittyHitched
Nyxie Reads
Nyxie Reads started following JR Weaverover 1 year ago
over 1 year ago
About me
I participate monthly in several bookclubs. I am the leader of one bookclub. I typically share my reviews on my Bookstagram, Facebook, bookbub, goodreads, and Amazon ( I always follow the author's requests of where they prefer to have a review posted ). I have never given a book 0-1 stars.
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📚200 books read per year