Nidia Melgoza

Rambling Wonderings

Nidia Melgoza

@nidiamelgoza - Reviewer

Nidia Melgoza

Nidia Melgoza

@nidiamelgoza - Reviewer

I dream of one day writing books of my own and maybe even being part of a writer's room for a show! I love to talk about pop culture, books, and trave... more

Nidia Melgoza
Nidia Melgoza imported 254 books to their Library about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
A Taste for LoveWoven in MoonlightThe WendyThe Light at the Bottom of the WorldThe DNA of You and MeMeg and JoMulan: Before the SwordA Gathering of ShadowsThose Who Wander: America's Lost Street KidsArsenic and Adobo
Nidia Melgoza
Nidia Melgoza started following Felicia Bengtssonabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
About me
I dream of one day writing books of my own and maybe even being part of a writer's room for a show! I love to talk about pop culture, books, and travel to anyone willing to listen.
Profile URL

📚50 books read per year

🏆10 submissions per year