Nicole Caropolo


Nicole Caropolo

@nicolecaropolo - Reviewer

Nicole Caropolo

Nicole Caropolo

@nicolecaropolo - Reviewer

As both a freelance writer and a bookworm, being a reviewer is a massive career goal of mine! I'm also interested in expanding my range of genres. My... more

Nicole Caropolo
Nicole Caropolo liked Jane Powell's update almost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Nicole Caropolo
Nicole Caropolo published a reviewalmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
A powerful story about tough, resilient kids dealing with the hand they were dealt, for better or worse.
Butterflies in the System
Jane Powell
Butterflies in the System is a story about love, incarceration, and perseverance. Inspired by true e...
Nicole Caropolo
Nicole Caropolo upvoted Butterflies in the Systemalmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Nicole Caropolo
Nicole Caropolo started following Felicia Bengtssonalmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Nicole Caropolo
Nicole Caropolo started following Kiran Kapadia, Nadine Hall, Savanna Ice and 89 morealmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
About me
As both a freelance writer and a bookworm, being a reviewer is a massive career goal of mine! I'm also interested in expanding my range of genres. My extensive experience in writing and journalism allows me to use words in a way that has an effect on the reader.
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πŸ“š25 books read per year