Nick Jameson

Nick Jameson

Becoming the Philosopher King

Nick Jameson

@nickjameson - Author

Nick Jameson

Nick Jameson

@nickjameson - Author

Nick is a philosopher-poet and novelist with strong progressive convictions and a lifelong history of creative endeavors, including creating theories ... more

Nick's books

Expanded and revised, Heresies of a Heathen is now a narrated spiritual journey through the Gnostic Gospels and teachings of the esoteric mystery schools traditionally condemned and discarded by Christian authorities, now constituting a powerful perspective on the gnostic nature of spiritual trut...

Alex is the black sheep in the Barnes Clan, a Christian community concealed in the Blue Ridge mountains near Salem, VA, dedicated to a simple, righteous life. He was born an outsider, reads the wrong things, wants to write about non-religious spirituality, thinks, like the pagans, that nature is ...

Live on Discovery

Old Blood

The prophecies of two ancient bloodlines converge when the Wolf Clan of Aria finds the fabled passage through the North Gate, surviving months traversing the arctic icescape in discovery of the New World, presaged to be the land that shall host their greatest glory. But this world is only new to ...

About me
Nick is a philosopher-poet and novelist with strong progressive convictions and a lifelong history of creative endeavors, including creating theories forming his ideological foundation. He's from NorCal and lives in Bend, OR. He has a BA in Business Economics from UCSB and an MA in English from ASU.
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