Naveen Sridhar

Naveen Sridhar

Naveen Sridhar

@naveensridhar -  Author

Naveen's books

The Sumerian city of Ur at the dawn of civilization: Enheduanna, the beautiful princess of Sargon the Great and the High Priestess of Ur, confronts the intrigues of politics. Both the mayor of Ur and the king of a neighboring city challenge the priestess. She leaves the ivory tower of the secure ...

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About me
Naveen is the author of Candlelight in a Storm: Born to be a Berliner, as well as A Complete Guide to Ventriloquism. Widely traveled, he is fluent in eight languages. Born in India, he migrated to Germany for studies. He has a Ph.D. in chemistry. His wife passed away in 2017. He lives in Germany.
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