Nancy Ashmead

Nancy Ashmead

Author/Artist of the Traveler Oracle featured in New Moons: The Seed Songs Bk 1

Nancy Ashmead

@nancyashmead - Author

Nancy Ashmead

Nancy Ashmead

@nancyashmead - Author

Nancy has studied abroad, traveled widely and lived on a sailboat. Her sense of adventure, intuitive skills, broad education and acute observations st... more

Nancy Ashmead
Nancy Ashmead posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Book Two of the Seed Songs series, Sounds Like Home, is done! I've selected my new editor, and away we go... Book One, New Moons, is still needing a review on Reedsy, but the ones I have on Amazon so far are excellent. Hope you check it out.
Nancy Ashmead
Nancy Ashmead started following Dan Watt, CJ Alberts, George Pratanos and 1 moreover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
About me
Nancy has studied abroad, traveled widely and lived on a sailboat. Her sense of adventure, intuitive skills, broad education and acute observations strongly influence her artistic and writing endeavors. Retired co-owner of an award-winning vocational school, she now lives in southern Oregon.
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