Naiza Rehman

Naiza Rehman

Naiza Rehman

@naizarehman - Reader

Naiza Rehman

Naiza Rehman

@naizarehman - Reader

I'm a Wattpad author and a Bookstagrammer, who always thinks about reading and buying more and more books. I love to give honest opinions without any ... more

Naiza Rehman
Naiza Rehman imported 16 books to their Library over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Good Girl, Bad BloodKeep You ForeverThe Part I Left with YouOne Arranged MurderAmina's SongThis Time Next YearThis Lie Will Kill YouI Too Had a Love StoryOne and a Half MoonLove From A to Z
Naiza Rehman
Naiza Rehman started following Syeda Tajkia Ibnatalmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
About me
I'm a Wattpad author and a Bookstagrammer, who always thinks about reading and buying more and more books. I love to give honest opinions without any sugar coating and loves to help the author grow by reviewing their books.
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📚40 books read per year