Mordelle -

Mordelle -

A dash of magic, a deluge of romance, gut-twisting angst, embers of slow burns, and copious amounts of delicious erotica.

Mordelle -

@mordelle -  Author

Mordelle's books

Live on Discovery

Searlus and the Sailor

No one in the Kingdom really knows what their King looks like. Though many have been in his presence, everyone soon forgets their time at the castle once they exit its gates. It's been said that he is an enchantment gone wrong, a chimera with a form so ghastly that no one, even those granted paym...

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About me
Mordelle is a lover and writer of stories in all forms. A foray into acting and screenwriting led to a deep desire to release her own stories into the wild. Finding an outlet for her creativity in fanfiction, Mordelle eventually decided to take the leap into self-publishing her original works.
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