MJ Purple Curiosity Blog

Purple Curiosity

MJ Purple Curiosity Blog

@mjpurplecuriosityblo - Reader

MJ Purple Curiosity Blog

MJ Purple Curiosity Blog

@mjpurplecuriosityblo - Reader

Sydneysider who indulges in the world of modern technology, ever-changing fashion and has an unrelenting devotion for literature. A bon vivant by natu... more

MJ Purple Curiosity Blog
MJ Purple Curiosity Blog imported 8 books to their Library over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
My Sister's IntendedChange Your Mind: 57 Ways to Unlock Your Creative SelfMarilyn Monroe: The Defiant Broad Disguised as a Dumb BlondeThe AlchemistAbsolute Truth, For BeginnersThe Examined Life: How We Lose and Find OurselvesCrazy Rich AsiansJesse James: Infamous Outlaw of the Old West
About me
Sydneysider who indulges in the world of modern technology, ever-changing fashion and has an unrelenting devotion for literature. A bon vivant by nature, all I know is that embodying a profound appetite for food as well as enjoying the good things of life perfectly sums me up.
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📚8 books read per year

🏆3 submissions per year