Michael Poeltl

Michael Poeltl

Multi-genre fiction Author of possible pasts, presents, and futures.

Michael Poeltl

@michaelpoeltl -  Author

Michael's books

Live on Discovery

The Blind Affect

Living without purpose is demoralizing. Finding it is everything. Can a life be more than the sum of one’s own experiences? Do we have to look objectively through the eyes of others to fully understand our influence on the world around us? In 1960 Jonah entered the world on the heels of his s...

Live on Discovery

Killing Karma

Had Peter imagined he'd be considered a serial killer, he'd have chosen differently. Have you ever felt karmic retribution in your own life? What the characters in Killing Karma come to realize is that no karmic debt ever goes unpaid. In Killing Karma, this sentiment is taken to the nth degree...

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About me
Hi, I'm a multi-genre author whose interest in past lives has found footing in many of my novels from science fiction to dystopian fiction to upmarket/literary fiction and now crime/thrillers. It's not always driving the plot, but almost always an underlying theme.
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