Meg Kanning

Meg's Book Query

Meg Kanning

@megkanning -  Reviewer

Submission guidelines

Hi there! I would love to review your book. Here are a few things to consider:

I write my reviews from a Christian perspective therefore I do not take submissions for the following genres: erotica, thriller/horror, queer/LGBT. I will read most other genres!

I will read any size of book, there is no word minimum/maximum.

PDFs are preferred!

About me
I greatly enjoy finding good literature for friend, family, and stranger alike, as I have been doing on my blog for 3 years. I enjoy Action/Adventure, Middle Grade/Children's lit, Classics, Christian Fiction, Theology, Non-fiction/Biographies, Fantasy, some Youth lit, and anything about libraries!
Profile URL

📚 75 books read per year