Maria ST Clair

Maria ST Clair

Maria ST Clair

@mariastclair - Author

Maria ST Clair

Maria ST Clair

@mariastclair - Author

Hi, my name is Maria ST Clair I was born and raised in Southern Italy. I am bilingual, and my book is available in English, Italian and soon in Spanis... more

Maria's books

Live on Discovery

Bambolina Adventures

A must-read magical and adventurous picture book. Based on true character and events. Perfect for young readers age 3-5. Bambolina is a happy little girl who likes to go on adventures every day and with the help of her little fairies everywhere she goes everything comes to life.

About me
Hi, my name is Maria ST Clair I was born and raised in Southern Italy. I am bilingual, and my book is available in English, Italian and soon in Spanish as well. My love of creativity and children inspired me to write this book. My book was writing based on true character and events. Enjoy Bambolina!
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