Mariana L. Paz

Mariana L. Paz

Mariana L. Paz

@marianalopez4872 -  Author

Mariana's books

Live on Discovery

His Name is New York

His Name is New York is a love story that draws a parallel between a person and the city itself. Using a blend of poetry, prose, and photography, the book immerses the reader in a journey where New York and a lover seem to share the same power—to inspire, to overwhelm, and to leave an indelib...

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About me
I am a 25-year-old creative soul from the El Paso-Ciudad Juárez border, based in Dallas and working in as a copywriter. I write as a means to translate the crypted language of emotions: to give words to that which can not be explained. For my poetry to be a mirror to their reader.
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