Maria Andreas

Maria Andreas

I Tell You Never Give Up!

Maria Andreas

@mariaandreas - Author

Maria Andreas

Maria Andreas

@mariaandreas - Author

I am French but gained my teaching qualification in the UK in the 1970s and now live in Switzerland. My books are written in French and translated by ... more

Maria's books

Live on Discovery

I Tell You Never Give Up

A Christian MG novel with a huge heart and a surprise on every page, Johnny, Paulo, Tatiana and Josiane learn wonderful values and who to call upon when they need help. They call upon and receive this help in the book's last battle - between the Aretis and the Skotis. Although the story is pac...

About me
I am French but gained my teaching qualification in the UK in the 1970s and now live in Switzerland. My books are written in French and translated by my publisher, who works closely with me and my knowledge of English to ensure a 'pure', nuanced AND creative result. More on my website...!
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