Mareli Thalwitzer

Elza Reads

Mareli Thalwitzer

@marelithalwitzer - Reviewer

Mareli Thalwitzer

Mareli Thalwitzer

@marelithalwitzer - Reviewer

Hi there! I’m Mareli, the voice of reason behind the meows and purrs at Elza Reads. I am a teacher/librarian and an avid reader. more

Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer published a reviewabout 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
A work of fiction that reads like a historical document that somehow got leaked.
F. Scott Fitzgerald: American Spy
Murray Sinclair
Did you know that, in the Spring of 1940, the once famous author F. Scott Fitzgerald was recruited b...
Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer published a reviewabout 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
Part Historical Fiction, part Folklore, part Animal Fantasy and a huge part Tall Tale as fluffy as a bunny's tail.
Percy Hare and the Girl in the Game
Craig Martin
Percy the Hare lives just beyond the notice of most decent folk in 1880’s Lafayette, Indiana, a town...
Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer unlocked the "Write 10 reviews" badge about 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
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Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer published a reviewover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
As a cat myself and the spoiled brat of a human who loves all things cattish - this is must read for all cat lovers out there!
Giblet & Belle, The Case Of The One Still Too Many
Robert Lay
Wherever there are humans and cats, there are Protectors. Protectors, the ancient secret order ...
Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer published a reviewover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Placing Alexandra Bathenbrook in actual events, settings and with real historical characters, makes this a highly believable read!
Missteps Perfecting the Shutterbug Strut
J.L. Michael
It is 1927. An “Era of Wonderful Nonsense.” Vague maps tout grand mysteries, each snapshot means som...
Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer published a reviewover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
This new collection of Sherlock Holmes and his ghostly adventures are bound to entertain the reader for hours.
Sherlock Holmes and The Glamorous Ghost Volume 2
MX Publishing
“Mr. Sherlock Holmes? I am or was, Lady Juliet Armstrong, Baroness Crestwell. Having been murdered, ...
Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer published a reviewover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
A different angle to relate a historical account of a story worth sharing.
The Tale of Arthur Tobias
JG Pennington
Since graduating from Hamilton, Maxine Hauser exists to pack up the past lives of some of New York’s...
Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer unlocked the "3 month review streak" badge over 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
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Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer unlocked the "2 month review streak" badge over 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
2 month review streak

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Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer started following Felicia Bengtssonover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer published a reviewover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
You are never to old to read a fairytale. Wisdom and hope accompanies the reader through this magical journey.
Close Your Eyes: A Fairy Tale
Chris Tomasini
In the Kingdom of Gora, in early 1400s Europe, the King of Gora has assembled a collection of entert...
Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer published a reviewover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
A good mystery with a few paranormal activities, spiced with a historical flavor.
The Scarlet Oak
Jerry Aylward
The bodies of two high school sweethearts are discovered beneath a venerable scarlet oak tree in a v...
Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer published a reviewalmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
He was an ordinary boy of no importance, she was the daughter of the most famous man on earth and space. Together they embark to the stars.
Arthur and the Argonauts
G.H. Lewis
Arthur Pifflethorpe fell in love. He fell in love often and he fell in love hard. He fell in love wi...
Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer published a reviewalmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
A welcome companion to our beloved Emma. We still might not like Jane Fairfax, but we can now easily see the two ladies becoming friends.
My Dearest Miss Fairfax
Jeanette Watts
From Jeanette Watts, a new Regency-set historical fiction novel following a lesser-known character f...
Mareli Thalwitzer
Mareli Thalwitzer imported 981 books to their Library almost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
A Woman of SubstanceChurch of MarvelsMaisie DobbsThe LikenessA Game of ThronesUs Against YouA Man Called OveBlack RoseDead at DaybreakThe Host
About me
Hi there! I’m Mareli, the voice of reason behind the meows and purrs at Elza Reads. I am a teacher/librarian and an avid reader.
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📚80 books read per year