Marcus Nannini

Marcus Nannini

I'll write your story.

Marcus Nannini

@marcusnannini - Author

Marcus Nannini

Marcus Nannini

@marcusnannini - Author

Mr. Nannini began his writing career when he published his own newspaper in the sixth grade. The newspaper was a modest success. 2019 Nonfiction Boo... more

Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini started following Joni M Fisherabout 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini commented on Robert Darrol Shanks's update about 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
Midnight Flight to Nuremberg is all about the Army Air corps
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini liked Robert Darrol Shanks's update about 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini commented on Marcus Nannini's update over 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Thanks to all! Gold Medal Winner Nonfiction Book of the Year.
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini commented on Marcus Nannini's update over 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Joni, it is apparent too many people in power pay little head to history.
52% Off from now until FATHER'S DAY-JUNE 19TH-only. Overall Grand Prize Winner, Non-Fiction. MIDNIGHT FLIGHT TO NUREMBERG. WW II DRAMA UNLIKE MANY OTHERS. 53% Off from now until FATHER'S DAY –JUNE 19TH-only. Non-Fiction book of the Year. LEFT FOR DEAD AT NIJMEGEN, The story of Gene Metcalfe’s riveting WW II Experience.
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini posted an updatealmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
MIDNIGHT FLIGHT TO NUREMBERG, THE CAPTURE OF THE NAZI WHO PUT ADOLPH HITLER INTO POWER. MARCUS A. NANNINI COMPENDIUM OF AWARDS Grand Prize Nonfiction Winner, Reader Views Literary Awards; Grand Prize Finalist (results pending) Chanticleer Book Awards; Grand Prize Finalist (didn't win) The Eric Hoffer Book Awards; Finalist (didn't win) American Book Fest Awards. Silver Award Winner, 2022 IPPY awards (Independent Publisher Book Awards.)
Presenting the 2021-2022 Reader Views Literary Awards Winners OVERALL GRAND PRIZE NON-FICTION WINNER: MIDNIGHT FLIGHT TO NUREMBERG, The Capture of the Nazi who put Adolph Hitler into Power. GOLD AWARD WINNER Marcus A. Nannini Air World/Pen & Sword Books
BOOK LIFE BOOK REVIEW-MIDNIGHT FLIGHT TO NUREMBERG. February 4, 2022 Nannini, author of Left for Dead at Nijmegen, takes flight in this gripping account of courage in the air, the story of pilot Harry E. Watson, who flew 27 combat missions in World War II and was the recipient of seven Battle Stars and three Air Medals. Nannini, who interviewed First Lieutenant Watson extensively, opens this vivid account in the thick of the war, with the tense tale of Watson, already celebrated for his skill at bad-weather piloting, being tasked to fly “a plane-load of Jerry cans”—that’s fuel— to General Patton’s troops near the French city of Reims, on the front lines, “so they don’t get themselves massacred” by the Germans. The fog’s a beast, and there might be wounded to ferry back, and the adventure that follows will involve Mark IV tanks, 800 German troops, and French champagne in a foxhole. Nannini proves adept at war-time storytelling, with an emphasis on bravery and camaraderie; his accounts of Watson’s missions take an engaging novelistic approach, with memorable detail—the C-47s Watson flies, the “hot chow” the crews scarf, the rituals a superstitious pilot works into his routine—and a feeling for suspense. On a mission to evacuate a field hospital in danger of being overrun by the SS (from the mission briefing: “get ’em all the hell out of there”), the sight of a German Messerschmitt 262 jet fighter stirs in Watson and readers both a mesmerized awe and then deep alarm.   This inviting volume reads quickly, building to the top-secret, behind-enemy-lines mission of the title—"You’re picking up some top Nazis, and they won’t be happy about it, understand?”—rendered with clarity and power. Nannini excels at establishing the stakes, explaining crucial context like flight conditions, and putting readers alongside Watson in the cockpit. The reconstructed dialogue tends to be upbeat, sounding, perhaps, like Watson’s own voice, sharing these stories. It’s a pleasure to have them set down. The striking photographs offer welcome context. Takeaway: The high-flying accounts of an American pilot’s daring World War II missions. Great for fans of: Adam Makos’s A Higher Call: An Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of World War II, Guy Gibson’s Enemy Coast Ahead. Production grades Cover: A- Design and typography: A Illustrations: A Editing: B Marketing copy: A- WEBSITE:
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
My publisher offers a THIRTY PERCENT (30%) discount on Midnight Flight to Nuremberg at the link below. ENTER CODE: AUTH30 Pen and Sword Books: Midnight Flight to Nuremberg - Hardback (
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini commented on Marcus Nannini's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
He fled the Pennsylvania Coal Mines only to fly, unarmed, against Hitler's Luftwaffe 28 times.
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
I apologize for the fact the six photos in Chapter One could not be recreated on this platform. There are more than 80 photographs and maps, many of which have never before been published.
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini started following Eckhard Gerdesover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini posted an updateover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Midnight Flight to Nuremberg is coming in September 2021 from Pen & Sword, UK.
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini posted an updateover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
In Midnight Flight to Nuremberg, the Secret Mission to Snatch the Nazi Who put Adolph Hitler into Power, a young pilot considered to be a risk-taker with uncanny navigational skills, is sent on dangerous missions behind enemy lines.
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini posted an updateover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
In Midnight Flight to Nuremberg, a young pilot discovers he wasn’t alone on his 1st solo flight in 1942, the day he nearly died. Considered a risk-taker with uncanny navigational skills, he accepted many dangerous missions and ventured behind enemy lines to snatch a top NAZI.
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini posted an updateover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
  RUNNING FROM THE GESTAPO Surviving in Holland during World War II by Marcus A. Nannini copyright 2020   The saga of a teenage boy on the run from the Gestapo from May 1940 until May 1945. Martin van Dyke’s personal recollections of his life on the run as told to Marcus A. Nannini over a series of in-person interviews.   On May 10, 1940, Martin van Dyke had just turned 16 and was plowing a field on his family farm in Friesland, the heart of dike country. In the 1200s, Holland undertook the construction of dikes, attracting many workers who came from elsewhere in Holland to construct the massive earthworks. Upon completion, they stayed thus the name: “van Dyke,” meaning from the dike. The distant sound of planes had been attracting Martin’s attention since early morning, but the Dutch Airforce had been increasing the frequency of its maneuvers, so he didn’t have reason to think much of it, at least that’s what he thought. In mid-afternoon, a neighboring farmer ran up to him, yelling at the top of his voice: “The Germans have invaded.” Martin laughed and told him they could not possibly invade Holland because Queen Wilhelmina had declared neutrality. “Hitler can do whatever he wants,” was his reply. Martin didn’t believe it.
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini shared an update on Left for Dead at Nijmegenover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
“I have written a lot of stories in my life, but after my first 5.5 hour interview with paratrooper Gene Metcalfe of Phoenix, AZ I knew there was something special there.” Marcus A. Nannini, author of Left for Dead at Nijmegen, 2019 Nonfiction Book of the Year and in the U.S. National Archives.   Gene Metcalfe, the subject of Left for Dead at Nijmegen, has been recognized by Holland, France, the US Army, and the Congress of the United States since his story reached the worldwide market last year.   Holland brought Gene and his wife as Very, Very Special Guests to Holland and feted them at the annual Market Garden celebrations and memorials where royalty, ambassadors, military leaders, and mayors sought him out. Sir Charles, Prince of Wales even has a copy of Left for Dead at Nijmegen.   A book can renew a life.   If you have a personal story that people believe needs to be told, perhaps I am the author of your story.   You can see some of Gene’s adventures at my website:
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini shared an update on Left for Dead at Nijmegenalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
The Audiobook version has been a big hit in the UK and Holland. It is now available in North America. Makes great listening and a thoughtful gift!
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini posted an updateabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
"There are many stories about the American airborne in Market Garden; Gene's story is unique and significant." World War II History Magazine, April, 2020, Pages 74 and 76.
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini shared an update on Left for Dead at Nijmegenabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
I joined-in READ ACROSS AMERICA by giving a writing lesson/book reading in back-to-back classes on March 2, 2020. Everyone left with a hand-out of the writing lesson. I was pleased and surprised at the excellent response from the 7th graders
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini left a comment on Left for Dead at Nijmegenabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
WORDERY.COM Ships Left for Dead at Nijmegen for Free and if you are in the USA they do not charge sales tax!
Marcus Nannini
Marcus Nannini shared an update on Left for Dead at Nijmegenabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
About me
Mr. Nannini began his writing career when he published his own newspaper in the sixth grade. The newspaper was a modest success. 2019 Nonfiction Book of the Year: LEFT FOR DEAD AT NIJMEGEN. (Think of the movie"A Bridge Too Far") Midnight Flight to Nuremberg, Overall Grand Prize Winner-Non-fiction
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