Marcus Miller

Marcus Miller

Author and adventurer

Marcus Miller

@marcusmiller - Author

Marcus Miller

Marcus Miller

@marcusmiller - Author

As a young boy, Marcus ran away from home and traveled across the U.S. and through Central and South America, eventually living in the Caribbean. Work... more

Marcus Miller
Marcus Miller upvoted The Redeemers Vowover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Marcus Miller
Marcus Miller imported 10 books to their Library over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
The Road ShowThe Grand PromenadeRaptorThe JourneyerSpangleSow the Seeds of HempSlave TracksWorld of Words: The Personalities of LanguageThe Forgotten ManThe Center Ring
Marcus Miller
Marcus Miller left a comment on The Redeemers Vowover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
I am Marcus Miller, the author of The Redeemers Vow. Please feel free to ask me any questions you have about myself, or this novel.
About me
As a young boy, Marcus ran away from home and traveled across the U.S. and through Central and South America, eventually living in the Caribbean. Working for a private military contractor, Marcus spent twenty-two years rescuing kidnap victims from Colombia and the Caribbean Basin.
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