Manasa Tantravahi

Manasa Tantravahi

@manasatantravahi7477 - Reviewer

Manasa Tantravahi

Manasa Tantravahi

@manasatantravahi7477 - Reviewer

27 years old, and a writer slash lawyer. An only child in the suburbs of the 90s, I adopted books as the sibling my mother didn't push out of her fann... more

Manasa Tantravahi
Manasa Tantravahi imported 352 books to their Library about 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
The Velveteen RabbitGirl, Woman, OtherDavid Foster Wallace: The Last Interview and Other ConversationsA Dirty JobWe Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our FamiliesPalestineRemnants of a Separation: A History of the Partition through Material MemoryHumans of New YorkThe Story of Philosophy: The Lives and Opinions of the World's Greatest PhilosophersThe Sundays of Jean Dézert
Manasa Tantravahi
Manasa Tantravahi started following Mark Zvonkovic, bonnie Kleinabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
About me
27 years old, and a writer slash lawyer. An only child in the suburbs of the 90s, I adopted books as the sibling my mother didn't push out of her fanny (Brit.). So, it makes perfect sense for me to be reviewing them, for who doesn't love taking their brothers down a peg or two? This is me.
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📚40 books read per year