Madellene Peñaflor

Madellene Peñaflor

Disciple | Writer | Blogger | Accounting Inventory Associate

Madellene Peñaflor

@madellenepenaflor - Author

Madellene Peñaflor

Madellene Peñaflor

@madellenepenaflor - Author

Hi there. My name is Madellene. I am a Christian writer and blogger. I also work as an accounting inventory associate. My past time is reading and wri... more

Madellene Peñaflor
Madellene Peñaflor shared an update on From The Inside Out (Volume 1)over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Offers Books that gives Life !The Best Digital Collection DreamingInTheMoonlight Literary Society is a book club that wish to gather Christian Writers, to promote Christian book works and create a society that impacts fellow writers and readers to write and read books for God's glory! ​ DreamingInTheMoonlight Literary Society e-Life Book talks about life. It can cover anything- from novels, poetry collections, devotionals and self-help pamphlets that builds people, improves lifestyle and promotes good life in the perspective of your faith and profound relationship that you have in God. ​ Mission Its mission is to inspire readers to develop their talents and share their testimonies to the world. ​ Vision Its vision is to have a world where written media is no longer a bondage but a virtual reality of a homebound of people that truly loves the Lord. To God all the glory and praise in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ !
Madellene Peñaflor
Madellene Peñaflor started following Jocelyn Sorianoover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Madellene Peñaflor
Madellene Peñaflor shared an update on From The Inside Out (Volume 1)over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
The overall idea of this book is for you who are reading this to write also your own life story. As you read this book, let us also journey together to the Word of God, and whatever the Holy Spirit will reveal on us will also be a written story of your life on this book. So let us grow together and may the miracle of a changed life will also be true upon us.
Madellene Peñaflor
Madellene Peñaflor started following Felicia Bengtssonover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
About me
Hi there. My name is Madellene. I am a Christian writer and blogger. I also work as an accounting inventory associate. My past time is reading and writing faith-based literary like novels, poetry, self-help, devotionals. I also read books with implied faith, family &hope themes w/ spice of life.
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📚1000 books read per year

🏆10 submissions per year