Madeline Wolf

Madeline Wolf

Madeline Wolf

@madelinewolf - Reader

Madeline Wolf

Madeline Wolf

@madelinewolf - Reader

Hi! I'm Madeline! I am in my first years of a Fiction Writing MFA program! I have always been a really avid reader and writer. more

Madeline Wolf
Madeline Wolf imported 618 books to their Library over 1 year ago
over 1 year ago
Love and FriendshipAngelSo Long a LetterShadow KissA Court of Wings and RuinMelmothThe Immortal RulesDeityShakespeare's SecretBelinda
About me
Hi! I'm Madeline! I am in my first years of a Fiction Writing MFA program! I have always been a really avid reader and writer.
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📚70 books read per year