Louiza Kallona

Louiza Kallona

Quirky, original children's fiction

Louiza Kallona

@louizakallona -  Author

Louiza's books

Live on Discovery

The Tickling Tale of Smoo

Some strange things arrive suddenly, like frogs that rain down instead of cats and dogs. Other strange things creep up slowly until one day no one can ignore them any longer. This is the story of the McClaffertys, and the mysterious disappearance of laughter. Lucy McClafferty and her younger bro...

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About me
Louiza Kallona moved to Scotland, aged eighteen, with the hope of meeting people as funny as Billy Connolly. She started writing The Tickling Tale of Smoo while living with a bunch of eccentric bikers in an old farmhouse in the Scottish Borders where the book begins. She is extremely ticklish.
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