lesley bannatyne

lesley bannatyne

lesley bannatyne

@lesleybannatyne - Author

lesley bannatyne

lesley bannatyne

@lesleybannatyne - Author

My characters—wolf wrangler, tarot card reader, guru, Russian karaoke star, or parents of children taken, gone, returned, or fragile—often live in a s... more

lesley bannatyne
lesley bannatyne shared an update on Unaccustomed to Grace: Storiesalmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
Happy to get a Boston Globe review of Grace!
lesley bannatynealmost 3 years ago
lesley bannatyne
lesley bannatyne started following Brian Mosby, Hippo Bass, Hifwell MSAnwar and 2 moreabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
lesley bannatyne
lesley bannatyne left a comment on Unaccustomed to Grace: Storiesabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Hello Friends, I'm so excited to introduce my first collection of short stories, Unaccustomed to Grace, out from Kallisto Gaia Press. For many years I wrote non-fiction - for magazines, newspapers, a few books (on the history and celebration of Halloween!) - and finding my way back to fiction was an absolute joy. It's a bit like a snow globe, in that you're creating little worlds in a few pages. I's love to hear your thoughts if you have a chance to give it a read.
lesley bannatyne
lesley bannatyne liked Kristiana Reed's update about 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
About me
My characters—wolf wrangler, tarot card reader, guru, Russian karaoke star, or parents of children taken, gone, returned, or fragile—often live in a slant version of reality where the extraordinary can exist side-by-side with the ordinary. I hope you enjoy reading Grace as much as I did writing it.
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