Lauren Louise Hazel

Lauren Louise Hazel

YA writer of things

Lauren Louise Hazel

@laurenlouisehazel -  Author

Lauren Louise's books

Live on Discovery

The Reign of the Occult

The battle between the Underworld, full of darkness, and the Overworld, full of light, has been evenly balanced for millennia. Caught between them is the mortal world, where humans have become so afraid of a magic they cannot understand or control that they allow the Occult to rule them. After th...

Live on Discovery

The Burning Bandit

The Burning Bandit is the story of two boys, whose past and present are entwined by destiny and shattered by betrayal. The world is governed by Chi, the use of the spiritual arts, and the manipulation of the four elements: Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. Rayan is the son of a powerful family. His...

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About me
Lauren Louise Hazel is a Cyber Security Manager by day and a Young Adult Author by night. Some of Lauren’s favourite books and influences include the classics – like Lord of the Rings and The Hunger Games – and anything by Haruki Murakami and GRR Martin.
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